Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Bring out your dead!"

That's right, the plague has struck. Scott had it first and I admit now that I thought he was being a bit of a wimp; and then I got it. This thing's got it all; cough, head ache, nausea, dizziness, and mucous, good heavens the mucous! I am finally getting over it and Adam is on the upswing too. We were a pretty sad sight for a couple of days. Adam doesn't understand that when you're sick you're supposed to curl up under a blanket and watch movies. He wandered around the house whimpering.

I don't know if it was the plague or my introducing mass quantities of mandarin oranges into his diet, but Adam developed a pretty bad rash on his face. The worst part is that it is completely resistant to all of my attempts to clear it up. I have had him on a bland diet for days and he is so sick of me rubbing Cetaphil and Aquaphor on it that he literally runs the other way.

Poor kid. He really didn't stand much of a chance. I had food allergy-related rashes on my face for a good portion of my toddlerhood.

Yes, that would be me looking away from the camera. All I can say is, thank goodness for digital cameras! This was probably the best of the pictures they took.


Anna said...

Oh my goodness...I love all the old photos of you - so fun to see!! Crossing our fingers here that the plague has skipped our house.

Amy said...

Sorry about the plague. It is a miserable illness. I still have mucous galore.