Wednesday, February 4, 2009

2 Months Old

Jane had her two-month check-up yesterday. She weighed in at 12 pounds 14 ounces (88th percentile) and 23 inches (74th percentile). The nurse said she was pretty sure she was longer but couldn't stretch her out all the way. She continues to be a very mellow little girl. She sleeps for an 8 hour stretch at night and then another four after she eats. We love her to pieces.

In other news, Adam has a new found need for independence. It includes putting his own shoes on, unbuckling his carseat himself and insisting on sitting in the rocking chair by himself during story time (I have to sit on the ottoman).

The weather here has been truly frightful. Adam spent the better part of a day putting our loose change into a little house and then dumping it out again. It better warm up soon; I'm running out of ideas.

Adam continues to be a sweet and loving big brother. He loves to talk to Jane and tell her what he's doing. His favorite phrase is "Look Jane!". He seems to think she's a little more participatory than she actually is. If her hand accidentally hits him while he's lying next to her he laughs and says, "Jane tickle me!"

Ever since we took him to Jump Club he has insisted on recreating the joy in our very own home. In an effort to save the springs of our couch, I make him take the cushions off and jump on the floor.

All in all, I think we're back to normal. I am getting good sleep. Jane is fat and sassy. Adam is energetic and curious, and Scott saves my sanity at about 6 p.m. every night when he walks in the door. Yup, back to normal.


Joanna said...

your blog makes me happy. I love your kids. Adam is such a sweet brother. You are seriously so blessed! :)

Anna said...

He is a good boy...that independence thing comes in handy I bet.

Stephanie said...

The more independant he can become now....the better off you are! That's why I've waited so long to have baby #3! _I find out if it's a boy or girl on the 12th. The kicker is that Jason doesn't want to know. So, I don't think I'm going to be able to make a huge announcement.-I'm not happy about that.
Your kids are truly adorable! I just wish we were moving back to Rochester rather than all the way across the country!