Friday, August 29, 2008

Wish Us Luck

This morning Adam gave a little squawk to let us know he's awake, the same as every morning. The difference? He was hanging from the outside of his crib. Scott and I did some quick decision making and decided to make a giant leap:

We've had the toddler bed for a couple of months. We completely dismantled the crib so we (hopefully) won't cave. I just put Adam down for his nap and so far so good. Unfortunately my friend Amy informs me that the first week is cake. It's the second week, when they realize they can get out and play, that is difficult. Oh well, we're committed. Here goes nothin'.


Deborah said...

Even if he is playing, he is alone in his room for quiet time. He'll figure it out.

Henderson said...

Oh good luck!! I'm not brave enough to even make that leap yet.

Anna said...

Wow woman. Good luck!

Mary said...

He will do great!

Amy said...

Deborah makes a very good point. Jack is now happily in his routine of napping and sleeping in his bed with no problems. Sometimes it takes longer but he is in their doing his own thing.

Paul and Holly Domm said...

Adam is so cute-I always love checking in on you guys and seeing his progression. Have you found out what your having this time around(boy or girl)? Good luck with the big boy bed!

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

No, no! Don't be nervous. You did the right thing! (How's it going by the way.) So far I've had two go from cribs to beds and it wasn't a problem. The third, however, may not be the charm. She's sneaky.