Monday, August 11, 2008

Best Bath. Ever.

The other night we let Adam have his wish of not turning off the water during his bath. The bathtub got pretty full. Adam thought it was awesome. Scott was showing him how to blow bubbles.

Adam basically just drank the water but he did get a few bubbles in there.

Is this the look of a happy customer or what?


Heather Jewell said...

We saw Scott and Adam at the park the other night, Adam looks so grown up! We need to get together again.

Joanna said...

Tyler used to get a bath every night, then all the other ones came along and we just did fast showers even on the babies just to get it all done and over with. You are great parents.

Deborah said...

Who ever said a little bum water was a bad thing?

April said...

You did, Deborah. Right after Adam pooped in your pool...

Anna said...

He always looks happy, but the drool says it all.

NaDell said...

Bathes are even better when you don't have to hunch over the tub and do them. That's nice of Scott to do it for you and I bet it's nice to not have to really get tangles out of Adam's hair either. Just wait for your little girl.......Then the tears for tangles begin. Even with the tangle spray, or maybe yours won't have super thick course tangly hair....

Mary said...

Love the bath water dripping off his chin.