Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Importance of Child-Proofing

Our talented son has developed a sixth sense. It's not the creepy "I see dead people" kind. It's more like a "I sense something is 'unchild-proofed' at the moment" kind. Leave the toilet lid open? He'll find it. Didn't close the baby gate to the stairs? He feels like a climb. Didn't latch the cupboard with all the extremely dangerous cleaning supplies?

He will sense your negligence and seek out the forbidden fruit (or Lysol). See the lock dangling there uselessly? Yeah, I'm a good Mom.


Deborah said...

Your child seems to be showing signs of being smarter than his parents. I am of the belief that this happens to only the best parents!

Amy said...

And being the good mom that you are, you took a picture of your negligence for posterity.

Amy said...

And being the good mom that you are, you took a picture of your negligence for posterity.

Heather Jewell said...

What a little monkey! Although I think it would have been cooler if it was the creepy "I see dead people" kind of 6th sense. Now that's a blog I want to read.

Joanna said...

you didn't let Scott see that did you? :)