Sunday, November 18, 2007

I'm It!

So my friend Heather "tagged" me. Which means that I am supposed to post 6 interesting facts about myself. Seeing as this is a family blog I decided to share the wealth with Scott (you probably know all you care to about Adam). So here we go:

1. As long as I have known him, Scott has had a deep desire to one day witness a monkey riding a pig. When Adam was born, Scott's Mom made him a sock monkey and bought him a pink pig. This is what Scott did with them. While these are only stuffed animals, it satisfied him until he can one day see the real thing.

2. He is able to finish a Rubik's Cube in about a minute and a half. He's wicked smart.

1. I MUST read before I go to bed. This has frustrated Scott on occasion for many reasons. One may be that I will often have the light on when he would like to be sleeping. The other is that if I have finished my book I will steal his just to have something to read. I got through the whole Ender Series by Orson Scott Card this way.

2. Since I have been pumping I have become addicted to playing Settlers of Catan on our Xbox 360. The game is the perfect length to get an entire pumping session in. Some women have letdown when they hear a baby cry; for me it is when I hear the opening music to Settlers of Catan. Can you say "freak"?

Both of Us
1. When we were dating Scott accidentally kicked a rolled up newspaper at me and it hit me in the head. He still laughs about that whenever it comes up. I don't laugh...

2. Someday when Scott and I have more disposable income there are a few places we'd like to visit. They are, in no particular order, Machu Picchu, the Galapagos Islands and the Pyramids in Egypt. Now we just have to hope that the disposable income comes before acid rain eats them all away...

That's it for us. I'm tagging Deborah and Joanna. You're it!


Deborah said...

I've sworn off all games.

Deborah said...

I love you picture. Who took it and when?

April said...

This isn't a game Deborah. It's very serious.

Joanna said...

Thanks a lot April. Maybe I should stop reading your blog! This may take me a while to find that many interesting things about us. I must read as well and with Chris going to bed so early for Seminary you can imagine how much he likes this. I can't believe how small Adam is in the pictures. Deborah buck up and get thinking. I can think of three good stories right now for you!

Heather Jewell said...

Imagining Scott clapping and squealing with glee from seeing a monkey riding a pig, had me laughing so hard I woke Sean up last night. I also have to read before bed. I made Sean get one of those sleeping eye masks that rich women wear when life gets too overwelming. Laugh all you want; it saved our marriage.