Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Leaving a Trail of Destruction in His Wake

I hate showering while Adam sleeps. It seems like a waste of peaceful time to do such a functional, productive activity when I could be doing something unproductive, like reading or playing Settlers of Catan online. So, I devised a way to shower while Adam is awake that doesn't involve locking him in a padded room, well, not exactly a padded room. We have about four baby gates and a myriad of cupboard locks. Using this arsenal I completely baby proofed the house. It was so well baby proofed that I felt completely comfortable hopping in the shower and leaving Adam to his own devices. It worked! At least for a few days. He would play, and then come in to check that I was still in the shower (he would often laugh during these "shower checks", don't know what that's about, I'm trying not to be offended).

Anyway, I was taking my shower the other day and Adam came to check on me. He closed the curtain and then got very quiet...never a good sign. I opened the curtain to find him happily splashing his hand in the toilet (the lid had been closed and he had never before demonstrated and ability to open the lid). Um, yuck. I jumped out of the shower, soaking wet, and tried to wash his hands in the sink. I then realized that I was getting him completely wet in the process so I decided the best thing to do was to strip him down and bring him in the shower with me.

After all of this fun, Adam was exhausted so I put him down for his nap. I came downstairs to curl up in a ball and read for the duration of his nap and found this:

and this...

Here are the clothes and diaper I discarded so I could bring him in the shower with me:

More of his handiwork

It seems as though it might be more logical to shower while Adam sleeps since, as you may have guessed, I didn't get to read during this particular nap.


Mary said...

I would love to tell you it gets better but I swear my house looks like a hurricane hit after every weekend. The only time it is clean is when they are all at school. Cute pics.

Anna said...

Oh dear. I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown when the Boy starts walking.

Deborah said...

Unfortunately it only gets worse as they get older and they still come in and peek at me in the shower!! ugh

Joanna said...

these just made me laugh. I feel the same way about wasting good quiet time. TOO funny!

Amy said...

Wasting good nap time is a sin. Nap time should be used by moms to do whatever makes them happy and not necessary tasks like cleaning, showering or cooking.

Carrie said...

April, this is so funny! The kids get into everything, it's like they know they are sort of alone and can tear everything up and have fun doing it. Last week I took a quick shower, less than 5 min. and in that amount of time Rosie got into a jar of Vaseline, her entire hand & clothes were covered. Later that evening, I went back upstairs to pick up and noticed oil of somesort on my bed, well it was the Vaseline, all over my bed - the down comforter, quilt and sheets!! The next morning, Bob was getting dressed for work in the closet and asked me if I had done something different to the laundry, I said no why - he said well my pants (which are hung on the bottom rod in our closet) are all slimey. So I got up and sure enough she had managed to touch most of his pants with Vaseline hands. A few days later I found more on the back of the closet door. Seriously, my shower was less than 5 minutes and I ended up doing 4 loads of laundry!

Veronica said...

hey!! i am so glad you found me! Okay I will agree... you and your husband are adorable even if you are taller... : ) And you don't look weird! (I was thinking mostly where the guy is like 5'2 and the girl is like 6'2)ANYWAY! YOur little boy is so cute... and looks like a very active boy!

happy mom said...

I know the feeling, sometimes I think that I should just get up and shower at 5:30 in the morning so that I know I can get one sometime, but that would mean giving up on my precious(oh so precious sleep) I try (used to work not so much now) to keep my kids in one room, and I let them have tv veg time while I shower. I usually come out to find they have destroyed the house and one another. so I feel your pain.