Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lollipop Farm

We went on a field trip with Adam's preschool group to the local Humane Society; it's called Lollipop Farm.  There are no actual lollipops there.  Jane was initially quite disappointed by this but got over it when she saw all of the cute animals.

Adam was excited to see his pal Eli and the kids were happy to run free.

So, there was this goat.  A very friendly goat.  All of the other goats stayed in the barn, as good goats should.  Not this guy.  I think he was trying to get adopted.  He picked the wrong crowd.

I didn't know whether to be concerned.  Are goats ever dangerous.  Was he going to eat my baby?

Because, seriously, he seemed a little too interested in the babies.

He followed us to the gate where we had to leave him behind.  The kids were not at all scared of him.  I was rather surprised by this.  Jane's only concern in this picture is that he might try to steal her rock.  This girl and her rocks.  Another story for another time.

Here I am just showing off our rockin' new stroller.  A place for the baby and a place for the other baby to sit.  I have even been known to squeeze both Adam and Jane on that little platform.
*Also let's try to remember that I had a baby two months ago.  So, if it looks like my coat may burst, well that's why.  It has absolutely nothing to do with powdered sugar donuts.  That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

1 comment:

ESOdhiambo said...

There ARE lollipops there--they are inside.