Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Jumping in the Rain

Before I had kids I always wanted to be the kind of mom who went puddle jumping in the rain. So, while Jane napped, Adam and I walked up and down our street jumping to our heart's content.

You wouldn't think Adam would hesitate, but it took him a minute to warm up to the idea. It may have had something to do with the fact that his mother was telling him to jump in the dirty puddles and get wet...on purpose.

He eventually got the idea and splashed with vigor. The only downside is that Adam is only two and will therefore, most likely, not remember that I was the cool kind of Mom who took him puddle jumping in the rain...


NaDell said...

Just show him pictures and make him remember the story and he'll think he remembers it, when what he really remembers is the story of it.
Unless he's stubborn like I was when my mom tried that with me.
Mom: "Don't you remember when...." Me: "NO! I remember you telling me about it and seeing the picture, but I don't actually remember it..."

Joanna said...

you will remember! You are a good mom. Love the rain coat.