Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jane's 1/2 Birthday

Jane turned 6-months-old on June 3rd. We baked her the traditional cake (it cracked a little).

I did what I had to do here. It's all part of the job description.

Current accomplishments include rolling onto her stomach (and getting stuck there), sitting unassisted, eating finger foods, high pitched screams, belly laughing when her brother entertains her and walking backward in her walker.

Happy 1/2 birthday Janie!


Anna said...

Such a sweet girl.

Holly said...

I love that you celebrate half birthdays (as well as 1/4 and 3/4) and often think that I'd like to adopt that tradition (if only I could remember to do it when the time rolled around). We heard you guys were buying a house with Dorothy and I'm so intrigued! Please post pictures.