Monday, March 9, 2009

Feats of Strength

Hey Janie, what'cha doin'?

Don't you know you're only three months old?!

You're not supposed to be doing this yet!!

Look at that self-satisfied little grin...
I thought that perhaps since Jane is a much mellower baby than Adam that she might stay a baby a little longer than he did. This is Adam at six months. That is only three months away.
Could someone please tell Jane that her Momma needs her to stay a baby a little while longer?


Carrie said...

Go Janie! Go Janie! Go Janie!

Amy said...

But she is going to be so cute when she is toddling around.

Joanna said...

you could always have another one :)

k1 said...

She's going to start giving Adam a run for his money. He had better hide all his favorite toys NOW.

Anna said...

I'll have the boy speak to her about the benefits of not walking until after a year.

Mary said...

Oh boy....