Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pumping vs. Nursing

As many of you know, I pumped exclusively with Adam from the time he was about three weeks until he was 8 months. Nursing does not come easily for me. You know you're in a tight spot when the lactation nurse, after looking at you breasts, says, "Hmm, this is going to be difficult."

Despite all that, I decided to give it the ol' college try with Jane, mostly because I like the idea of nursing. I love having her close to me, knowing that I'm all that she needs. It just seems natural to me. I've been thinking a lot about what's important and have come up with some lists. So here is my "pros" list of each pumping and nursing.

1. Convenience- It's there, it's the right temperature.
2. No bottles to wash.
3. Bonding and closeness (although this is negated when I'm in pain)
4. I am told that once they get the hang of it, it is pretty fast. I nursed Adam for 3 weeks and we never got to that point.

1. It's not painful
2. I know she's getting enough.
3. In a month I will only have to pump 3x/day to keep up with her.
4. I can spend time holding/snuggling her instead of both of us crying while she's trying to latch on.
5. Scott can feed her (he really likes to do this).
6. I can more easily leave her with others.

After considering all of the pros and cons, I made a decision. I decided to pump. I took a shower, put on a shirt (I'd been walking around topless for a week) and felt like a new person. I won't make the assumption that nursing is harder for me than for everyone else, but seriously pictures like this make me wonder:

Because, when I am nursing, my eyes are squeezed tight and my toes curled in pain. Oh, and when she's done nursing I have a nice blood blister to show for it (and don't give me the "latch" stuff, the lactation nurse said, "Yup, that's a good latch."). So, I guess I just needed to justify my decision to all of my friends who have been so supportive of me since I had Jane and started nursing. I didn't try it for 3 weeks like I said I would, but since I made the decision to pump, I have felt very peaceful about that decision. Feeding Jane is a joy and pumping isn't half bad either when you can play Settlers of Catan online:)

Oh, and sorry to Wade and Conrad and any other men who read this blog. I promise not to talk about breasts anymore.


Anna said...

You are a master pumper, too! I couldn't have done what you did with Adam.

NaDell said...

Wow! I can't believe you pumped that long? Good job!
Elizabeth was the worst nurser. She wanted to eat like every hour on the hour and eat a long time too. She totally made me bleed. It was awful and then someone told me that after about 15 minutes, there isn't anything left in there for them and then they are just sucking. It was a long time though and it was horrible to nurse on the one side.
All my kids gave up nursing at about 8 months. I supplemented all with formula some of the time too. Not everyday, but sometimes like when we went out and stuff.
I hated pumping!

Lisa C said...

I'll have to chat with you more about pumping. We haven't been as successful with that, but I'd love to do it more. Honestly, nursing is sweet to an extent, but I'll admit its painful and not particularly enjoyable for me either.

Jodie said...

Let me just say that of course I have no personal experience with this since our kids are adopted. That said, I have to give you such kudos for pumping. Many, many women would not do that...if they weren't able to nurse they would just switch to formula. I think you are awesome for trying so hard! In the end, you are still giving Jane the best you can by pumping and not going with formula. Plus there is the fact that Scott gets to feed her too.

You are an awesome mom, April!!

Deborah said...

No need to justify yourself here. Good for you for making a decision that makes you happy. Jane is happy either way. She is just happy to eat. I'm all for no pain.

Heather said...

I don't care what anyone says, nursing is not easy and at times NOT natural! it depends on the baby and the Mom. I was able to nurse some of my babies and others it just didn't "click"
Don't beat yourself up. I wish I was a commando pumper like you. That is AMAZING!
You are doing great!

Emily said...

Good for you. I'm happy that you came up with the best decision for you and Jane. That pump sure has given you, and me, its value 10 time over :)

Joanna said...

good for you! I loved giving Abby a bottle for all those reasons and wish I had done it with the others. Anyway now I can feed her when it is your turn to teach our 11 kids in primary! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL....April, yes I must admit I know more about your breasts than I thought I ever would....

It's so obvious you're an excellent mother..Pump away!



Amy said...

So happy you are happy. A happy mom makes for a happy baby. What an empowering decision.

happy mom said...

I was afraid I had missed the big news when I sent that email! sorry I am a little behind! Congratulations, and hmmmm... what to say about this post in particular. I am glad that you made a decision that makes you happy. I know that I used to be a breast is best kind of person and had much guilt when I couldn't with Sam and Amanda, and now I have the outlook, do what works for you, you are going above and beyond if you ask me! good luck! and ouch and sorry! for me the pumping hurt! and as for the picture, I have a completely different take, and that's just posing and photography, if you ask me! Jane is beautiful!

Wende said...

Go April! Do whatever works for you. Trying to nurse Aiden was a nightmare - he was on formula after I tried to breastfeed for 4 weeks and it was a complete 180 for both of us - so much better! I'm glad that pumping works for you.

Mary said...

You don't need to explain yourself. Do what is best for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Nursing hurts for 2 months, good latch or no. Pumping is absolutely an act of love. Do what works.