Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sound Bites

It's that time again.

Jane was at the museum playing with a little castle.  As she dropped little people down the trap door to the dungeon she would say "Ayudame!".  Dora, it's like preschool on TV.  Right?  Right....

We have been trying to teach Adam not to pee on the seat, or at the very least to tell us if he does so we can help him clean it up.  This morning Scott said, "Adam, somebody peed on the toilet seat."  Adams reply?  "Probably Mama." Sure Adam, sure.

And here are a couple of videos.  You probably won't be that interested in them unless you're grandma or have an exceptional affection for my kids:

Paige (she's got things to say too!)


Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

Love Dora & Diego. One day, as tiny Molly was struggling to get to the top of the stairs Emily put out her hand and yelled, "REACH MIJO, REACH!" The gender wasn't quite right but the yelling and affectionate terms had been learned quite well. So glad your kids are learning from the best as well.

Deborah said...

Both brought a much needed smile to my face.

Amy said...

I must have exceptional affection for your children because I loved these videos.