Tuesday, August 18, 2009


My genius of a husband just showed me how to access my pictures. So here are some highlights of the last month:

Adam has taken to sleeping on the floor, sometimes right behind his bedroom door. We really don't understand the reasons for this, but we do find it dang cute.

Adam has taken well to potty training, but it is still a work in progress. My favorite part of the whole thing is seeing his little bum in underpants. You can bet I give it a good pinch every chance I get.

As mentioned in my earlier post, Jane has begun to pull herself up to standing. The baby gates have gone up, look out world here she comes!

Our favorite grocery store got new carts that can accommodate two kids in the front and hold a carseat behind them. this means I could shop (in the veeerrry distant future) with 3 kids!! It's the little things that make all the difference.


Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

Heidi, although she doesn't realize it, is starting to potty train next week. I bought her princess underpants today. Hooray for Adam! He needs to give us tips.

I also love that he will only sleep on the floor. I had a kid who did that for about six months. Then one day she decided she wanted her bed again. I guess kids just need some sleeping variety.

kelly said...

pinching buns in undies is the best, wouldn't you say?