Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Jane came down with a yucky, green, slimy cold on Saturday night. We ended up on the couch together so that Adam and Scott could sleep in (relative) peace upstairs. Her face pretty much explains how she was feeling.

Unfortunately, her cold leads to this:

This girl is a very happy, easy-going kid...except when you touch her nose, then she does this:

Sorry baby. I'm your Mom, it's part of my job description.


k1 said...

Poor Jane. Hope she is better soon!

Deborah said...

I go from "poor baby" to "aw gross."

kelly said...

seriously whats with the all of the sudden snot attack. both my children had the flow today. lovely

Stephanie said...

That's pitiful. I hope she feels better soon! Come to's 95 degrees right now!

Anna said...

Ugh. I hate the green nose.