Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Greetings from Kansas

We began our 27 hour trip to Kansas on Monday Night. We went by way of Scott's sister's house to see the new baby. Adam had great fun playing with his cousin, who he called "Jack". It may have had something to do with the fact that he looks strikingly like his friend Jack, they're all the same to him.

The boys played and Scott and I admired the new baby. He is gorgeous with a full head of dark hair. We shielded Adam's eyes for fear that he might develop a complex.

We left Scott's sister's house around 8 p.m. and started driving west. Our plan was that Adam would sleep 10-12 hours and we would get a big chunk of the driving done in peace. Ah, "the best laid plans..." Adam didn't fall asleep until 10 p.m. and that was after two, yes two bottles of milk, totalling 16 ounces. We stopped for gas at about 11:30 p.m. and Adam woke up and required another 10 ounces of milk before he would go back to sleep. He woke up again at 3 a.m. soaking wet, hmmmm, wonder why. So, we changed his diaper at a gas station and Adam couldn't have been happier to be awake. He was pointing out all the trucks and having a grand time.

We stopped to get gas later in the day. We were told there was a Sonic Burger here, they lied. It was only the first of three Sonic bait-and-switch tricks that day. Adam enjoyed a nice "break" though.
We were getting a little desperate towards the end and gave Adam candy to keep him occupied, he is now a big Twizzler fan.

We got off to get some lunch at Sonic Burger and found it had closed two years ago, stupid Sonic. No problem, we got to eat this instead:

We also had some delicious tamales.

Adam chose this time to have a diaper explosion. The bathrooms had no changing tables, so we changed him on the trunk of our car. It wasn't pretty. It may very well have been the most white trash thing I've ever done. Luckily this was the kind of restaurant where that kind of thing really didn't seem that strange.

We arrived at my parent's new "house" about 2 hours later. Stay tuned...


Deborah said...

Yeah! you are able to blog. Glad you made it safely there. Can't wait to see more pictures.

Amy said...

So glad you made it there safely and I cannot wait to hear about the rest of your adventures.

Anna said...

Glad youre safe. Love how you put house in quotes. I feel your anger where Sonic is concerned.

Mary said...

Glad you arrived safely. I soooo feel your pain. Love the picture in the bathroom.

Joanna said...

that picture in the bathroom is GREAT!! Did you not stop for the night? I can't wait to see more pictures of the house! Glad you are there safe!

Laurie, the girls and Scott said...

What an exciting adventure. Please come to our house soon. We really do have a Sonic - no bait and switch tricks here. (You've never changed a diaper on the trunk before? I've lost all shyness about that. Sad.)

NaDell said...

I've never thought to change a diaper on the trunk before. Sad. Now our car doesn't have one. I usually end up doing it on my passenger seat with their head pointing down to the crease. Babies don't like that much either. On our first long road trip with one kid (15 months), we went from WA to Sacramento to see Laurie and Scott and Emily and then to Las Vegas. That was a long trip! Elizabeth tore up her board books. It was kinda funny and I didn't mind because they were free from the hospital. I totally get the candy thing too.

Heather Jewell said...

You are so brave! If I drive further than 3 hours with Savannah I am super braggy about it. Looks like you are still having a great time though!