Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

A little over a year ago this little girl joined our family. We named her Jane Dorothy, after her grandmother. She has had many names since.

We call her Janie, Janie-June, Janie Junebug, Junebug, Junie-Bear, Janie-Junebug-Jones and, occasionally, Chunk of Love. Appropriate, don't you think?

She was born with the most enormous, round, absolutely nibble-able cheeks. And we did partake...

From day one she was the most calm, easy, sleepy baby. She ate well, slept 23 1/2 hours a day and slept through the night for the first time at 2 months. I have been known to joke that Jane is God's way to trick us into more children. But then again, she hasn't turned two yet...

On December 4th, one day after her actual birthday, we celebrated in true Holmes-style; with a Rock Band party. We rocked the night away and mass quantities of soda were consumed:

We lit the obligatory "1" candle on Jane's whole cake and let the older kids do the honor of blowing it out for her.

She tried a few bites,

but much preferrede feeding it to Daddy.

I can't begin to express the love we have for this little girl. She lights up the room when she comes crawling in with her big smile and surprisingly un-sloppy kisses. She is the perfect playmate for her brother; at times balancing his rambunctious side and tackling him for a wrestling match at others.

She loves to talk. At one year her words are: mama, dada, Adam (ad-i), bottle (ba-ba), uh-oh, more (signed), sock/shoe(ssss), and "ba!" (accompanied by pointing) which means, "I want that."

She is getting close to walking but is quite cautious and immediately drops to the floor if you let go of her hand.

She is the sweetness in all of our lives and we can't imagine life without our sweet Janie-girl (another nickname). Happy birthday sweet baby. We love you!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

I love that picture of you and Adam kissing her.