Saturday, January 17, 2009

Corned Beef is Freedom: Part 1

Here is the next clip from Scott's high school escapades. Fun things to look for in this one:

1. Jason Tranquill debating whether or not to give in to peer pressure.
2. Scott doling out a healthy dose of said peer pressure.
3. Scott and Conrad doing more "scum jumping" (jumping into the filthy canal water). It's a miracle they didn't catch the plague.

Thanks to Conrad for uploading these gems to youtube. Stay tuned for the rest of the clips.


Carrie said...

Are you kidding me??!! That's totally crazy, I don't even want to know what else they've done! It's totally cool though.

Joanna said...

where is the world is that? I didn't realize that was legal! It looks like it would be fun if I didn't know what the canal looks and smells like. You are brave Scott!

Anna said...

That looks like so much fun!

Unknown said...

Unfortunately the owners of that property cut the tree down.


No more rope swing or tree jumping.

Stephanie said...

I'm glad that Jason dove a few times after thinking about what he was doing. Now the question is if we knew them then....would we have jumped too?

Amy said...

The canal? Really?> That is so gross but it looks like they had a lot of fun.