Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Baby Jail

So, Scott loves to tease me about how I love to read other people's blogs...even people I don't know. Reading all of these blogs has made me realize what a wonderful medium this is to keep people up to date on the current happenings in our family. So, let me give you the rundown.

Adam is growing and developing at an alarming rate. He has decided that being in one place is boring and has taken off, causing all manner of mayhem. We find him in the most interesting places.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm very happy that he is developing all these necessary skills, but it makes getting anything done quite difficult. It was in the midst of all of this chaos that my good friend, Amy, loaned me what she refers to as "baby jail". I love baby jail.

It's basically six baby gates linked together to form a big circle. It keeps him contained while I do big, important things; like laundry. Don't get me wrong, I don't lock him up all day, just for a few minutes to get things done. Plus, he loves it.

So, my plan is to try to post on here e few times a week. We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Baby Jail is the best invention. Jack would not have survived his first year without it. Or, maybe it's that, I would not have survived his first year without it. We would still be using it if he hadn't figured out that he could lift it up and crawl underneath to escape.